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Modernize your applications, improve your productivity

Reduce infrastructure costs with the flexibility to scale IT resources based on your business needs. The cloud allows greater security and availability of data.

Trabajadores de oficina modernos

Application modernization is the process of updating and improving applications to make them more efficient, scalable, secure, and cost-effective. Optimize your business operations, and replace outdated technologies with more modern and secure solutions.


We help you determine the right approach for each application based on your specific requirements and goals. Manage costs in the medium and long term, and guarantee not only the security and privacy of your data, but also the continuity of your business.


At ARKHO we offer cloud application modernization services using the broad ecosystem of Amazon Web Services. Take advantage of microservices architecture, cloud-native services, automation, and DevOps.

Improve security by 44% with new technologies that have advanced measures


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  • Increase productivity, Lead Time is reduced from a week to hours.

  • Reduction in unavailability times, error rates decrease from 30% to a range of 0-15%. The recovery of a service happens to be achieved in less than an hour.

  • Costs reduction, reduce your billing by an average of 30%, making better use of your assets, through the following strategies: instance reservation, choice of geographic areas, capacity provisioning, among others.

  • Acceleration in the innovation process, Integrate new services and complement your equipment with Artificial Intelligence services, achieving tasks faster by up to 57%.

 Reduce maintenance and support costs by 20% and development costs by 30%


Integrated Construction Experience (IBEX)

We are part of the IBEX program, an initiative that seeks to integrate AWS services to improve the development experience in an integrated environment.


Integrated BEX on AWS simplifies the experience of building powerful applications and then putting them to work to reduce downtime, lower costs, harness the power of AI, and adapt to meet customer usage demands.

Solution Areas

A Data Warehousing or data storage is a central repository of information that can be analyzed to make better informed decisions. Data flows into a data warehouse from transactional systems, relational databases and other sources, usually at a regular cadence. Business analysts, data engineers, data scientists, and decision makers gain access to data using business intelligence (BI) tools, SQL clients and other analysis applications.


AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda

Our Expert Leaders

Certified team


Account Manager

Ana Isabel Prieto



Tech Lead

Marcelo Silva



Delivery Manager

Ángel Mendoza



Project Leader

Carlos Barrientos


Success Stories

Review our success stories in various sectors and industries of the economy

Cultura Data Driven con AWS en Parque Arauco
Arquitectura escalable y distribuida
Logrando eficiencia con analítica descriptiva
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